Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘there is enough on this planet for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed!’

The above quote aptly describes the grave situation of India. Many of us surely, are worried about it and hence, discuss and deliberate upon the issues, but there are also a lot of people who are working to find the ground level solution of such worrisome problems.

One such inspiring, Youth-led organization is ‘We Can We Will’ foundation. Situated in the city of Mumbai, Maharashtra, the organization aims to provide education to the needy kids, enhance their extra curricular abilities, provide food to the indigent and give every child, an equal opportune shot in life.

Pankaj Thakkar, the owner of the organization, describes himself as as a consistent and confident person who has faith in what he does. From the past four years, what has kept him going as the initiator of change, is witnessing every volunteer’s efforts paying off!

He says, ‘Providing children with the right atmosphere and motivation can drive them to open up, learn more eagerly and soak in the knowledge.’ While recalling a moment where he was called in as a chief guest for a farewell event, he said, ‘I couldn’t go as I was out of town, however, just recalling the invitation, puts a broad smile on my face. It is as if, I have achieved something in my life!’

He has vividly worked towards starting a project called Maanavta. An event that takes place each year, Maanavta, provides a stage where each child can showcase their talents. It focuses on treasuring the uniqueness each child has, and taking nothing for granted. Moreover, they’ve also taken up initiative to feed the hungry souls of Mumbai through the “Hunger care project.” 

The pandemic has not been able to stop their zeal and enthusiasm for making a change. Mr. Pankaj believes that everyone should do their part, in some way or the other. It doesn’t matter, if they affiliate themselves to an NGO or not, what matters is, if they can give a helping hand to the people in need or not!

The success story has not been an easy journey. The Ngo requires constant fundings and help, and if you want to be a part of the change, please consider donating to the given account.

A/C No. – 50200035883317

IFSC – HDFC0000145

Name – Abhinavan Foundation

Bank – HDFC Bank, Borivali West

Paytm- 9769364431 & Google Pay- 9769364431


Authored by : Sneha Shet

Editor: Kamya Kalra

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